
Sunday Sermon

Owing to operating conditions the sermon on Sunday did not get recorded. Sorry for any inconvenience. We hope normal service will return at the weekend.


Building news

Great news – we have funding!

Dagenham Parish Church are very pleased to announce that we have been supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for an initial grant on the repair work to the church tower.

HLF logo



As well as addressing urgent repair works and carrying out essential conservation work to the church building, we will also be running an activity programme around our heritage so more people can engage with the church and its history.

Church history

Development funding of £47,500 has also been awarded to help us progress plans to apply for the full grant at the end of this year. We hope to then begin the capital works in Spring/Summer 2017.

We will be sharing more about our activity programme and gathering people’s opinions and support for the project.

If you’d like to know more, please speak to Steve.


Special events

Salt and light

How can we remain faithful to God in an increasingly broken and faithless world?

Come along to our event on Tuesday at 8pm at the church building and find out more about the work of the Christian Institute. 


Special events

Close Encounters

Come and take a refreshing look at People Jesus helped.close encountersSundays In July 3rd 10th 17th @ 4.30 to 6.00pm


Sermon recording failure

Owing to an unknow fault we apologise for the loss of the last two sermons in the series on Galatians. Normal service will recomence as soon as possible…




No ticket required and everyone is welcome!


The Lord’s Table

The Lord's Table
The Lord’s Table

Notes to understand and best share communion together at DPC  Click here to open

Notices Special events

Easter is Close! Don’t miss out…

Easter services @ DPC

Good Friday 25th March 10.30am
“Jesus is buried”

Easter Sunday 27th March 10.30am
“Jesus is Risen”

Come and understand this pivotal moment in human history. Make your own mind up.

Special events

Religion is not the answer…



Religion can’t make you right with God… It’s got nothing to do with what you do. Jesus shocked people when he said this!

Come along this Sunday (14 February) at 10.30 and find out more about the secret to being right with God. Everyone is welcome.

Notices Special events

Guest Speaker (with lunch)

On Sunday February 7th we will be having a guest  speaker at the 10.30 Morning service and this will be followed by a church lunch at which the guest speaker will also feature.  We are  all are invited.  If you would like to contribute to the lunch please contact Karen Fenn who will be coordinating the food for lunch.