Special events

Christmas at DPC

Christmas Puzzle

Invading superpower forces people on long march…
In the turmoil a baby is born in a barn…
Later, the family escape from killers.


2000 years later, the world celebrates his birth.
We call it Christmas. His name is Jesus.


Please join us to find out more…

At Dagenham and Redbridge Football Club, Victoria Road
Saturday 19th December
Carol service

At the Church Building, Church Lane

Sunday 20th December
Family carol service
Main carol service

Christmas Eve
Midnight service

Christmas Day
For all the family

Please contact us for more information, or work out how to find us here.

Special events

Can you solve the mystery of a lifetime?


Join us at Epic Explorers – and solve the mystery of a lifetime!

Come with us to ‘Adventure Island’ as we explore the life of Jesus with games, crafts, activities and..….. lots of fun!

Parents and Guardians please note: We will need to receive completed registration/consent forms in order for children to attend the club. Download your form here.
For more information, call: 07740 777568

Church notices 13th September

Growth Groups Holiday Club Friendship team CABC CD of sermon


If the slideshow is not working, you can download a pdf of the notices here.

Growth Groups are meeting this week. Please contact us if you are interested in joining one, or if you would like a copy of the study notes.


June 2015 DPC News

june2015 Download our latest newsletter here