Sunday 4th December Dagenham Parish Church Morning Service 10.30am "Life: Where does it come from?.......Jesus" from John Chapter 6 vv22-40 by Joel Edwards.
Dagenham Parish Church Sunday 27th November "Knowing God is not to know his way's" from Daniel 12 by David Banting.
Sunday 20th November Dagenham Parish Church "Expect the unexpected and you will never be disappointed" from Daniel 10-11 by Reece Nash.
"Event are overtaking us. Are we at risk?" from Daniel 9 by Joel Edwards. Sunday 6th November. Dagenham Parish Church. Morning Service
Dagenham Parish Church Sunday 30th October Morning Service "Significance of Symbols in Daniel" from Daniel 8 by Joel Edwards.
Sunday 23rd October Morning Church Dagenham Parish Church "Seing the world as God sees it! Daniels Dream" from Daniel 7 by Joel Edwards. (Vicar)
Sunday 16th October Dagenham Parish Church Sunday Morning "Who can save us! - God is our Salvation" By Reece Nash Ministry Assistant
Sunday 9th October, Dagenham Parish Church. 10.30 am. "The Writing was on The Wall!" from Daniel 5 by Joel Edwards.
Dagenham Parish Church Sunday 2nd October Morning Service "A King is "cut" down to size!" from Daniel 4 by Joel Edwards.
Dagenham Parish Church Service "Peer Pressure, Societal Conforming or a push to do what we don't want to?" Preached by Joel Edwards (Vicar) On the 25th September 2022